Race: Rakkel (rah-kel)
Race Traits: very dark skin, always with light-colored eyes [light blue, green, or gold].
Hair colors range from dark brown to black.
Leader (+spouse): Rana (+Pelagios)
Heir: Rao
Earth-Influence: Arabian
Lifestyle: Adapted to living life in the harsh
deserts, the Rakkel seem to actually
thrive in it. They live deep in the desert,
coming to the coastlines frequently to trade
with the Vess'ri. Nomads by demand,
they tend to not form large cities -
instead moving in small tribes. There
is one fairly large city on the desert
side of the mountains, where the ruling
family lives.
Fighting Style: a lightweight curved cutlass
Goddess's Gift: A strong sense of justice
Elemental Power: Fire
Shadow Tolerance: wary, but tolerant