Race: Kyou'xin (k-yo shin)
Race Traits: blonde hair [varying shades of blonde, from near white to dark amber], bird-like wings
Leader (+spouse): Soel (+Komie)
Heir: Ryuen
Earth-Influence: none, really
Lifestyle: Guardians of the entrance
to the Goddess's world, the Kyouxin
take their job seriously. Very seriously.
Often accused by other members of
the council as being "no fun" they would
prefer to hone their skills with the
sword than play. In times of peace,
however, they are actually quite a relaxed
race who enjoy the best things in life.
They tend to be natural leaders, taking charge in
situations and ordering others around.
Sometimes they can be a bit too bossy
but it's all in the best interest.
Fighting Style: large two-handed swords
Goddess's Gift: holy [healing, ability to see through deception, etc]
Elemental Power: lightning/light
Shadow Tolerance: shadows that do no evil are tolerated and accepted, but those who do evil are destroyed.